
Monday 15 April 2013


On the weekend I went with my dads family to Parakai to celebrate my cousin’s Happy 16th Birthday on Saturday. The whole day we were swimming and going down the big slide and the little slide. My cousin, which was the Birthday girl, she brang some of her friends along to Parakai to and they were creating a train when they were going down the slides. They names were Nora, Pese, Britney, Tiffany, Ashley, ex.

My Auntys were cooking the BBQ and setting up the table for my family to get ready to eat. There were all kinds of salads. There was two pasta salads two potato salads and one sereme salad.                           When we started to eat my Papa said a prayer, then the birthday girl and her sister, which is my cousin blow out her candles.

When we started to get our food from the table it was fill of food. There were sausages, patties, lamb chops, pork chops, and steak. After everybody finished eating everybody wanted to just get back in the pool, but we had to let our food settle. After my food settled I just jumped stright into the pool.

Thanks to Mua Leuila for Editing my Work.

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